
Local directions:

We are located between Lombardy and Perth, just south of Rideau Ferry on County Road 1.


Planning to Pick-Your-Own Strawberries?

**ALWAYS check our home page, or phone 613-283-0205 to check on patch conditions before coming out to the farm.  In the event of reduced supply, or inclement weather (including extreme heat!) the patch may not be open at all times.

Shoulders are great for leaning on…
…but we’d prefer that you didn’t park on them!

That’s why we’re happy to provide a safer option for entering and parking.

“So what do you want US to do?”, one might ask.  (I’m so glad you asked!! )

Here it is in 3 easy steps:

  1. ENTER at the ENTRANCE sign (pretty easy so far, isn’t it?)
  2. Proceed up the lane and ANGLE park – on your RIGHT side,
    facing away from the road.
  3. After you’ve done what you came to do…back cautiously out of your spot, and DRIVE (safely) out onto the road.
    (Watching cars backing onto this crazy “Rideau Ferry Speedway” is really hard on our nerves!)

THAT’S IT! We know you can handle it!

“What if I’m coming for Pick-Your-Own Strawberries?” you may be wondering.

Easy…Enter at the entrance, but follow the arrows to the patch instead of turning toward the Roadside Stand!